Use median absolute deviation instead of z-score to detect outliers

Why is it bad to use z-scores to detect outliers and why you should use median absolute deviation instead

Hause Lin true

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Problems with z-score approach

Consider the small set of numbers assigned to variable scores below. Just by eyeballing the data, it looks like there’s one outlier: 1000

scores <- c(-3, 1, 3, 3, 6, 8, 10, 10, 1000)
mean(scores) # mean 

[1] 115.3333

sd(scores) # sd

[1] 331.7778

boxplot(scores) # 1000 looks like an extreme outlier

What are the standard or z-scores for each value?

\[z_{i} = \frac{x_{i}-\overline{x}}{\sigma}\] where \(z_{i}\) is the z-score for a particular score, \(x_{i}\) is a particular score, \(\overline{x}\) is the mean of all scores, and \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation of all scores.

The equation above expressed in code:

scores_z <- (scores - mean(scores)) / sd(scores)
scores_z  # 1000 has a z-score < 3

[1] -0.3566644 -0.3446082 -0.3385800 -0.3385800 -0.3295378 -0.3235097
[7] -0.3174816 -0.3174816  2.6664433

The z-score of the largest value is 2.6664433, which is relatively small, considering researchers tend to consider scores as outliers only if they have z-scores 3 or larger.

Outliers bias the mean and standard deviation

So we seem to have a problem here: By eyeballing the scores, we intuitively know that 1000 should be an outlier, but the z-score outlier detection approach suggests 1000 isn’t an outlierand we shouldn’t remove it Of course, you could set your exclusion criterion to “scores with z-scores 2.5 (rather than 3.0) or greater will be considered outliers”. But changing the criterion arbitrarily doesn’t address the main problem:

mean(scores) # original mean

[1] 115.3333

mean(scores[1:8]) # mean after excluding extreme value

[1] 4.75

sd(scores) # original sd

[1] 331.7778

sd(scores[1:8]) # sd after excluding extreme value

[1] 4.590363

Function from hausekeep package to compute z-scores

To make it easier to compute z-scores, detect outliers, and remove extreme values (based on your cut-off, 1.96, 2.5 or 3 or whatever), I’ve created the function outliersZ(), which is available in my hausekeep package. When you run the function, it tells you how many outliers were detected and what they’ve been replaced by (default replaces them with NA).

outliersZ(scores, zCutOff = 3.0) # replace values with z-scores greater than ± 3

[1]   -3    1    3    3    6    8   10   10 1000

outliersZ(scores, showZValues = TRUE) # show z values (default = FALSE)

[1] -0.38 -0.37 -0.36 -0.36 -0.35 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34  2.83

outliersZ(scores, zCutOff = 0.35)  # note that default zCutOff is 1.96

[1] NA NA NA NA  6  8 10 10 NA

outliersZ(scores, replaceOutliersWith = -9999) # replace outlier values with -9999

[1]    -3     1     3     3     6     8    10    10 -9999

For more information, type ?outliersZ in your console. If you want to see how the outliersZ() function is defined, just type outliersZ in your console and you’ll see the source code.

Robust solution: median absolute deviation

Instead of using z-scores to detect outliers (which is problematic for various reasons shown above), we can instead use a simple and robust alternative that isn’t influenced by extreme outlier values: median absolute deviaion (Leys et al. 2019, 2013). See Wikipedia article on median absolute deviation.

Before we can compute the median absolute deviation, we need the median:

scores_median <- median(scores)

[1] 6

Next we subtract the median from each value and get the absolute values:

scores_median_absolute_deviation <- abs(scores - scores_median)

[1]   9   5   3   3   0   2   4   4 994

Next we get the median of the median absolute deviations:

median_median_absolute_deviations <- median(scores_median_absolute_deviation)

[1] 4

Next, we can compute the median of the absolute deviations (MAD):

scores_mad <- median_median_absolute_deviations * 1.4826

[1] 5.9304

This value is conceptually equivalent to standard deviation, but is used when computing median.

And why 1.4826? It’s a constant linked to the assumption of normality of the data, disregarding the abnormality induced by outliers (Rousseeuw and Croux 1993).

You can actually easily compute the median of the absolute deviations by calling the mad() function. I computed it step-by-step above to show you how it’s done. Typically, you can simply call the mad() function and provide your raw values as input.

mad(scores)  # save as our manually computed scores_mad 

[1] 5.9304

Finally, you can compute how much each value deviated:

scores_deviation <- (scores - scores_median) / scores_mad
scores_deviation # note that the value of 1000 has a huge deviation of 167!

[1]  -1.5176042  -0.8431134  -0.5058681  -0.5058681   0.0000000
[6]   0.3372454   0.6744908   0.6744908 167.6109537

Again, the idea is conceptually similar to computed z-scores: for each value, subtract the median from it, and divide by the median of the absolute deviations.

Using this robust approach, the largest value 1000 in our set of values (-3, 1, 3, 3, 6, 8, 10, 10, 1000) has a huge deviation of 167.6109537. Regardless of what criteria you use (2.0, 2.5, 3.0 are all common cut-offs you could use), 1000 is so large that it’ll have to be excluded (consistent with our intuition).

Function from hausekeep package to compute median absolute deviation

To help detect and remove outliers using this robust approach, I’ve created the function outliersMAD(), which is available in my hausekeep package. When you run the function, it tells you how many outliers were detected and what they’ve been replaced by (default replaces them with NA).

outliersMAD(scores, MADCutOff = 3.0) # replace values with deviations greater than ± 3

[1] -3  1  3  3  6  8 10 10 NA

outliersMAD(scores, showMADValues = TRUE) # show deviation (default = FALSE)

[1]  -1.52  -0.84  -0.51  -0.51   0.00   0.34   0.67   0.67 167.61

outliersMAD(scores, MADCutOff = 0.6)  # note that default cut-off value is 3.0

[1] NA NA  3  3  6  8 NA NA NA

outliersMAD(scores, replaceOutliersWith = -9999) # replace outlier values with -9999

[1]    -3     1     3     3     6     8    10    10 -9999

For more information, type ?outliersMAD in your console. If you want to see how the outliersMAD() function is defined, just type outliersMAD in your console and you’ll see the source code.

Here’s how you would use the function typically:

scores_outliers_removed <- outliersMAD(scores)

[1] -3  1  3  3  6  8 10 10 NA


One final example

scores <- c(-5, -2, 4, 8, 55, 100)

Use z-score method with 1.96 as cut-off:

scores_removeoutliers_zscore <- outliersZ(scores) # uses 1.96 as default cutoff

[1]  -5  -2   4   8  55 100

Use median absolute deviation method with 3.00 as cut-off:

scores_removeoutliers_mad <- outliersMAD(scores) # uses 3.00 as default cutoff

[1] -5 -2  4  8 NA NA

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))  # set figure to plot 1 row, 3 columns
boxplot(scores, main = "raw values")
boxplot(scores_removeoutliers_zscore, main = "after z-score outlier removal")
boxplot(scores_removeoutliers_mad, main = "after mad outlier removal")

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Leys, Christophe, Marie Delacre, Youri L. Mora, Daniël Lakens, and Christophe Ley. 2019. “How to Classify, Detect, and Manage Univariate and Multivariate Outliers, with Emphasis on Pre-Registration.” International Review of Social Psychology 32 (1).

Leys, Christophe, Christophe Ley, Olivier Klein, Philippe Bernard, and Laurent Licata. 2013. “Detecting Outliers: Do Not Use Standard Deviation Around the Mean, Use Absolute Deviation Around the Median.” J. Exp. Soc. Psychol. 49 (4): 764–66.

Rousseeuw, Peter J., and Christophe Croux. 1993. “Alternatives to the Median Absolute Deviation.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 88 (424): 1273–83.


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Lin (2019, Sept. 7). Data science: Use median absolute deviation instead of z-score to detect outliers. Retrieved from

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  author = {Lin, Hause},
  title = {Data science: Use median absolute deviation instead of z-score to detect outliers},
  url = {},
  year = {2019}